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Fat Secret Summary
Supported by a passionate community of over 45 million users, FatSecret’s mission is to help people eat better.
About Fat Secret
FatSecret is a place for people interested in their food and their diet. But diet doesn't meant he lack of eating. Your diet is your entire food intake lifestyle. Fat Secret allows users to pin point their exercise goals and share them with the community. You can record your food and exercise, and keep a lifetime record of your weight. You can find other users to help support you or discover recipes that are right for you. You can use your FatSecret profile with other services like Facebook, Google and your mobile device. FatSecret is your one-stop-shop for all things food and diet.

Global Alexa Rank
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Meta Title
FatSecret - Calorie Counter and Diet Tracker for Weight Loss
Meta Description
FatSecret - Calorie Counter and Diet Tracker for Weight Loss